Clash Of Clans Private Server

Clash Of Clans Mod Apk, Mod Apk Clash Of Clans, Cara Mod Clash Of Clans
Clash Of Clans Private Server - Pasti kalian udah pada tau dengan game yang satu ini. Yapss Clash of Clans. Tapi kalian bingung mencari mod apk / hack nya ? Nah SetCheat akan membagikan Clash of Clans yang dimodifikasi Server dan berganti nama menjadi Clash of Gems. Berikut Cuplikannya.
lash of Gem (CoG) is a modded emulated or private server of Clash Of Clans (CoC).
They have a lot of difference but at the same time they are so similar.
Basically they share the same game engine;
By the way the difference are very deep : A lot more of gems (Actually you start in Clash of Gem with 777k Gems vs 500 of CoC)
We have our Custom buildings and graphic (like town hall lv 11 , new troups , etc) For the moment we are in an Alpha stage when all will look stable we will start the beta. See you on Clash of Gem
Clash of Gem - Team.

Welcome to a new experience
Clash of gem (CoG) is a modified server of Clash of clans (CoC). This is not a hack, but a new adventure! We figured out the disatvantages of CoC and made its flaws our strength! Clash of Gem gives you the possibility to be the best without too much time to wait.

No More Pay To Win
Clash of gem realized your dream. You don't need to spend a fortune to become powerful. With the proper compromises you can rule the leader board without wasting your time.

We Are A Family
Before being players, we like to think that we are a family. No matter where you are from or what you do, clash of gem is open to all. Great respect between us and many laughs will wait for you there. Get new friends, find and join a new clan, found your own great alliance and dominate the game with your friends.

Spread The Word
Every day, thousands of players interact with Clash of gem. Share the project, invite relatives, friends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, kids, cats and dogs!

A Dream Came True
From an idea to the reality. Put in place what you have ever dreamed of: a big town, a powerful army and a scary defense. Now it’s your time! Show what you are able to do.
Maaf Belum di Terjemahkan hehehehe.

Untuk Informasi Lainnya Bisa Kunjungi Situs Resmi Clash of Gems.

Untuk Mendownload Clash of Gems : Klik Disini.

Panduan Instalisasi :
IP Address:

Hosts editor:

Panduan !
#1: Download dan install hosts editor
#2: Add the IP:
#3: Add the hostname:
#4: Tinggal Mencoba ^^
Semoga Bermanfaat, Kalian Ingin Mendapatkan Gems Clash of Clans Gratis ? Baca Artikel Tentang Cara Mendapatkan Gems Clash Of Clans Gratis dan Tentunya Legal.

Update V 1.0.5
Clash Of Clans Private Server


25 Responses to "Clash Of Clans Private Server"

  1. itu tuh gamea atau games gan? #3: Add the hostname:

  2. Replies
    1. ga bisa gan
      tri agin trus ....
      log in gagal

  3. loading game cocnya lama gan pas ane udah ngecheat...tolong solusinya

  4. Gan.. punya ane gak kelar2 loadingnya...padahal..udah fullroot pake..keyrootmaster..udah di alow/izinkan... gimana gan solusinya...mohon di balas..!!!

  5. Gan.. punya ane gak kelar2 loadingnya...padahal..udah fullroot pake..keyrootmaster..udah di alow/izinkan... gimana gan solusinya...mohon di balas..!!!

  6. Gan,kok lost conetion trus.....?

  7. Cranya gak diroot gmna?

  8. Gan,try again terus gimana caranya nieh biar bisa?

  9. Gan,try again terus gimana caranya nieh biar bisa?

  10. Itu udah ku download kok gak bisa terpasang gan

  11. kalau apk ini di gunakan android udah di root atau android tidak di root


  12. Aduh gan punya saya loading ya lama nih gan gmn dong solusinya

  13. gk connect apa udah down servernya???

  14. Gan cara root hp advan star mini gimana

  15. mesti download ulang coc nya? apa yg yg udah lama cocnya?

  16. loading terus ga kelar kelar ?
    minta info soal server yang selalu on dong , kali aja agan punya infonya.
    #help gan pengen ngerasain CoC kalau dah gede :D

  17. gan ini server nya masih work gak?, kalo lost connect terus atau log in failed berarti servernya penuh atau down??

  18. gan semua hp harus di root

  19. pas kasih nama .. mala game nya keluar sendiri
    kasih pencerahan
